Clapping for the NHS


As I'm sure everyone has noticed, now is a very strange and scary time.


There are certainly, however, positives coming out of this negative situation. A lot of people are finding they have more time than they have ever had. Time to focus on important things that they've pushed to the backseat years ago. Time with family (in the household, of course), time to take in the nature around them.


There are also people that are still working their jobs. Many of these jobs are those of key workers, such as doctors, nurses, teachers, shop assistants, farmers and I could go on and on. I can only imagine that these people are working harder than ever at the moment, while we rely on their service.


I LOVE the fact that once a week, the neighbourhoods unite in thanks by clapping and cheering for these key workers and I do hope that this appreciation will never be forgotten.


In the spirit of this, I decided to do a digital watercolour illustration of this special moment of community and appreciation and sell them as cards on my Etsy shop HERE. This means that anyone who knows a key worker who could probably do with a bit of a boost at this time, can send their own personal thank you. Also, 50% of profit that is made with these cards, goes to NHS charities.